miércoles, 8 de abril de 2020

Kildare - April 8th

April 8th

Hello everybody!!
How are you today?

Today, we are going to work again on our Compass book.

Task1 Please open your books on page 81. Click here and listen to the story as you read it.

Here they are presenting you the differences between Past Simple and Past Continuous.
Remember that when two past actions happen at the same time, we use the Past Simple for the
interrupting action and the Past Continuous for the long action. You can also revise this from the
mind maps in your folders.

Now copy and complete the sentences of exercise two on your folder (Language notes).

Task 3
Go to your “Liveworksheets” account (if you haven’t opened the account yet and you
don't know how to do it, go to the tutorial video we published yesterday on the blog). Once you log in,
go to “mis cuadernos/my workbooks” where you will find a worksheet for you. Listen to Ed Sheeran’s song “Perfect”
and complete the activities proposed on that worksheet. 

Finally, I am attaching the first eight chapters of the book War with Grandpa for you to listen and
revise the story for next week. Enjoy it on the link below:

Hope to see you all at the Zoom meeting at 3 pm!!

Virtual hugs! an remember to take good care of yourself and others. Ms Inés

Pray for health and people in need on these difficult days.

3 comentarios:

  1. Hi Miss. I´m Facundo Lopez Pandelo. I went to my Liveworksheets account, and there is no worksheet in my workbook.

  2. Hi Miss. I kept trying several times, but there is no worksheet in my Liveworksheets workbook. The message is "You don't have any workbooks yet. Ask your teacher to assign you an interactive workbook."
    Facu Lopez Pandelo.

  3. Hi Miss, I didn´t find the task. I am Ramiro
    My workbooks:

    You don't have any workbooks yet. Ask your teacher to assign you an interactive workbook
