martes, 21 de abril de 2020

Kildare - April 21st

April 21
Hello children!!

Today we will start writing!! Don’t worry, we will guide you…
First of all, take a look at this video, where you will find the main guidelines.

I will now give you another sequence of events. This is the one you will write about.

Take a look at the pictures below. They describe a scene at a park. Write a sequence of events describing the scene.

Before you start writing follow these tips:
  • Look at all the pictures and get an idea of the whole story before you begin.
  • Write a brief sketch with just a few key words and notes to answer three questions: WHERE? WHO? WHAT?
  • Use the past tense for the story events
  • leave a line in between for corrections
  • Try to link your ideas together with connectors such as SO, AND, BECAUSE, BUT, etc.

The word limit is 35 to 55 (no less than 35, no more than 55).

Here some extra help for you, words or phrases that you can use if you need them:
  • get everything ready
  • pack
  • picnic/ picnic basket
  • lie (irregular Past: lay) a tablecloth on the grass
  • relaxing

Please, save the document in your computer for future reference.

Last, but not least, follow this LINK and download the Word document we prepared for you.

Write your production there, save it on your computer and send it to me by mail to

You can write to me if you have doubts or questions!!!

Enjoy your homework and see you soon!!

Ms Inés

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