miércoles, 1 de abril de 2020

English, Kildare, April 1st

Are you ready to start working hard again?

Today we are going to work on two different exercises:

1- Complete the following worksheet about vocabulary on rights and responsibilities https://es.liveworksheets.com/of84572tx
If you need some help, you can go over all the activities you’ve done up to now on your Compass book.

2- Fill the following worksheets on Past Simple with the corresponding verbs in the past.

Once you finish, remember to click on “Terminado/Enviar mis respuestas a mi profesor” and write the following code  i9rdpa4fq6

Last, but not least, study the list of verbs that we sent you during the first week of the quarantine. There will be a test on this when we come back to school!

And that’s all for today! See you on Friday!

Love, Miss Inés

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