martes, 7 de abril de 2020

Kildare - April 7th

Hi everybody!!

We are here again to continue working hard with you!

Today we will start a new topic: "How do we explain prehistoric times?".

Task 1:

Open your Compass book on page 78.

Take a look at the pictures and think: are these fossils familiar to you?
Where do you think you can find something similar? Why are fossils important?

Now watch the following video:

Task 2

Answer the following questions on your folder (Language notes):

Trilobites ( /ˈtraɪləˌbaɪt, ˈtrɪ-, -loʊ-/; meaning "three lobes") are a group of extinct marine  arthropods. Trilobites form one of the earliest-known groups of arthropods.

According to the video...
1) When did trilobites appear?
2) Are trilobites younger than dinosaurs?
3) Which is the discovery that scientists have recently made?

Task 3

Read Lee's words below: 

"My brother and I were walking near the waterfalls, when we saw some cool layers of rock".

In the previous sentence, Lee is making use of two different tenses: Past Simple and Past Continuous. Take a look at the following video where you can find the different uses of the Past Continuous tense: 

If you still have doubts, go to your folder, we copied a mind map during our last week at school that might help you.

And that's all for today!!

Before we say good-bye, there are two important things that we would like to tell you:

First, we would like you to open an account on "Liveworksheets" so you will be able to save all the activities you do online and see the teacher's corrections. We leave you on this link the tutorial to open the account. It is very easy!!! 

The code number you need is the following: yh986p8lij

Secondly, we will have our first Zoom meeting! I'll be waiting for you at 3 pm tomorrow!!! I look forward to seeing you all!!!

Lots of love!!
Ms Inés

4 comentarios:

  1. Hello miss. I¨m Facu Lopez Pandelo. I can not watch the video. When I try to open it, this is the message "Se ha denegado el acceso a"

  2. I,m Facu Lopez. The first video is missing, and I can not open de second video.

  3. Also the "Liveworksheets" tutorial is missing.

  4. Try again now, I can see them myself...Laet me know if problem persists. Virtual hugs!
