miércoles, 22 de abril de 2020

Kildare - April 23rd

April 23rd

Hi all!

⭐This afternoon, we will meet virtually and we will talk about the video we asked you to watch yesterday. Don't forget to watch it! you will need it.

⭐I will also explain to you the correction symbols you will find on the Writings you sent to me. By the way, some of you have not handed it in yet. 
Here is the chart I will explain to you. Some of you might prefer to have it on paper (to add comments/ explanations) so if you want, you can print it or, if not,  you can read it from the blog.


Check the grammar of this sentence.
There was five children.
This is an incorrect spelling.
It was exellent!
Check the tense of this sentence.
Last weekend I spend a day in a yellow submarine.
Incorrect/ missing punctuation.
Dear Lucy:
Wrong word being used.
At school, he sits at his table.
Word order is incorrect.
We went up to the sea green.
Incorrect/ missing preposition.
I ate fish in lunch.
Look for alternative/ more varied vocabulary.
I went to a nice place and it was a nice experience.
Incomplete/ word missing.
I wanted play games.
I don’t know what you mean/not clear/ I can’t read your handwriting.

Last weekend I went to a yellow submarine and I had a great experience in the yellow submarine.
Expand your ideas (Give reasons, etc)

This could be better organised.

Start new paragraph

You’re using too many/ too few paragraphs.

Insert or change connector
He tried snowboarding. He didn´t like it.
Capital Letter
His name is peter.

On Friday, We will have a Literature class. You need to have 'The War with Grandpa' with you: we will discuss Chapters 1 to 9, so if you need it, revise them.
      HERE and HERE FOR THE FOLLOWING CHAPTERS you can listen to the audio book.

 See you later!
Big hugs!
Ms Inés

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