jueves, 30 de abril de 2020

Kildare - April 30th

Hi all!

A new long weekend is near!

⭐ Remember to hand in the 2nd draft of your writing if you have not handed it in yet.

⭐ Next Monday we will be working on Compass, so have your book and folder beside you.

⭐ And don´t forget to read The War with Grandpa (chapters 12 & 13) for Friday 8th. Maybe this weekend you feel like catching up!

⭐ We are celebrating Labour day tomorrow. Let´s honour those that lost their lives to help people gain labour rights. Let's honour doctors and all essential workers that help us these days.

⭐ I leave you a video to dance and laugh during this long weekend.

Big hug!
Ms Inés

miércoles, 29 de abril de 2020

Kildare - April 29th

April 29th
Hi all!!!

⭐ Here are the questions I talked about during class today. Please, copy and answer them on a sheet of paper and place it in the Literature section in your folder.

The War with Grandpa (Chapters 1 to 11)

1) Who told Peter that Grandpa was coming to live with them?

2)   What is Arthur’s job? Where does he work when he works at home?

3)   Why does Grandpa have to sleep in Peter’s room?

4)   What kind of lessons does Peter take? What kind of lessons does he really want?

5)   What was Grandpa’s job?

6)   What happened to Grandpa’s leg?

⭐ We will go over these answers on May 8th. Please, also read Chapters 12 and 13 for that day as Homework. 

⭐ To practise some Grammar, go to Liveworksheets and complete the new copy on Past Continuous.

Have a beautiful weekend and see you again next Monday!
Big hug!
Ms Inés

lunes, 27 de abril de 2020

Kildare - April 28

April 28
Hi all!!!

⭐ Today in class, we did a Listening Comprehension activity. If you could not do it on your book, complete it in Liveworksheets. If you could do it, please copy your answers on Liveworksheets

 ⭐ Also you will find two tasks related to the Topic on fossils we discussed in class yesterday on Liveworksheets. So go to your LWS account and do the new worksheets.

 ⭐ Today we talked about the writings you handed in. You could read
your corrections from your mail and had the chance to ask if you had any doubt about the correction symbols. Now you have to write the 2nd draft for May 5th as homework

 ⭐ We also went over some Past Continuous, here are two photographs of the
Mind Map on the whiteboard in the clasroom. I took it the last Friday we were at school... Check that you have it or copy it down if you don't.

Last Friday I promised to share images about The Globe.
This is the street view.
These are some pictures of the inside of the theatre.

Because of coronavirus lockdown, Shakespeare’s Globe (or the Wooden O as they affectionately call it because of its shape, like a ring) is sharing plays so if you wish, you could watch “Romeo and Juliet” which is on these days. Of course you are not supposed to watch the whole play but you can watch a few minutes here and there to have an idea of the place and how it worked during Shakespeare´s time. Enjoy this trip back in time!

See you again at 3 pm tomorrow!!

Big hug!

Ms Inés


Hi kids!

    Hope you are ok! 

    Here is Mister “A.C”, your Drama teacher.

    Today, we are going to learn about the EVOLUTION OF DANCE.

    Dancing is a natural expression of our bodies, and a natural ability for all of us. It's a way to express feelings and experiences, and it has changed throughout the years.
    This video shows two dancers, moving according to the most popular dances from 1920’s until nowadays. 100 years of history through movement and joy. 

Popular styles of Dance


Lindy Hop
Rock n Roll
Hip Hop
Viral trends of today

Let´s watch it!


-                   Which dance style did you like most? Why?


 Mister “A.C”.

viernes, 24 de abril de 2020

Kildare - April 24th

Hi all!

🙂 Friday is here!!!

⭐ Today we are meeting again at 3 pm. I hope to see you all again!!!

We will discuss "The War with Grandpa", chapters 1 to 11. So bring your book with you and your folder, in case you want to take notes during the class.

⭐ For our virtual class on Monday, April 27, we will discuss the reading "Quiet Sands" (pages 82+83) so please, read it carefully. We will finish the exercises on page 84, so have your Compass book with you for the class!

See you at 3pm!
Ms Inés

jueves, 23 de abril de 2020

Kildare - April 23rd (2)

April 23rd

Hi everybody!! Just a quick reminder of today's meeting

We discussed International book day and why people celebrate it today
We stated working on our correction code (we will continue with this next week). I posted it today in our blog.

Please remember to re-read The War with Grandpa in order to discuss it tomorrow.

See you then!
Ms Inés

miércoles, 22 de abril de 2020

Kildare - April 23rd

April 23rd

Hi all!

⭐This afternoon, we will meet virtually and we will talk about the video we asked you to watch yesterday. Don't forget to watch it! you will need it.

⭐I will also explain to you the correction symbols you will find on the Writings you sent to me. By the way, some of you have not handed it in yet. 
Here is the chart I will explain to you. Some of you might prefer to have it on paper (to add comments/ explanations) so if you want, you can print it or, if not,  you can read it from the blog.


Check the grammar of this sentence.
There was five children.
This is an incorrect spelling.
It was exellent!
Check the tense of this sentence.
Last weekend I spend a day in a yellow submarine.
Incorrect/ missing punctuation.
Dear Lucy:
Wrong word being used.
At school, he sits at his table.
Word order is incorrect.
We went up to the sea green.
Incorrect/ missing preposition.
I ate fish in lunch.
Look for alternative/ more varied vocabulary.
I went to a nice place and it was a nice experience.
Incomplete/ word missing.
I wanted play games.
I don’t know what you mean/not clear/ I can’t read your handwriting.

Last weekend I went to a yellow submarine and I had a great experience in the yellow submarine.
Expand your ideas (Give reasons, etc)

This could be better organised.

Start new paragraph

You’re using too many/ too few paragraphs.

Insert or change connector
He tried snowboarding. He didn´t like it.
Capital Letter
His name is peter.

On Friday, We will have a Literature class. You need to have 'The War with Grandpa' with you: we will discuss Chapters 1 to 9, so if you need it, revise them.
      HERE and HERE FOR THE FOLLOWING CHAPTERS you can listen to the audio book.

 See you later!
Big hugs!
Ms Inés

Kildare - April 22nd

April 22nd

Hello everybody!! 

How are you today?

⭐Task 1
Please listen to this audio


⭐Task 2
Watch the following video in order to get more info.

⭐Task 3

Now go to your Liveworksheet workbook, read the article we posted today and choose the correct answer for the questions. 


Attached you will find another video for you to watch. We are going to discuss this TOMORROW in our virtual meeting at three o’clock.

See you tomorrow!!!!
Elbow bump!

Ms Inés

PS: This weekend you can celebrate Earth Day and bake these cookies with adult supervision at all times.

Celebrate Earth Day by Baking a Batch of Planet-Inspired Sugar Cookies
Here's a fun and tasty project to celebrate Mother Nature.

Swirled with bright blue and green colors, these Earth Day treats are simple sugar cookies dyed to look just like our beautiful planet. They're the perfect treat to make in celebration of Earth Day, which falls on April 22nd this year.
You Will Need

To Make the Cookies
Prepare the Basic Sugar Cookie dough following the recipe instructions, but don't wrap and chill the prepared dough. Instead, divide it into two halves and place each half in a bowl. Use food coloring to dye one portion of the dough blue and the other portion green.

Preheat your oven to 160°C degrees. Spray baking sheets with non-stick cooking spray and site aside. Place a piece of parchment paper on the work surface. Pinch off small pieces of dough in varying sizes (between 1/2 teaspoon and two teaspoons each). Shape and press six to eight of the dough pieces together in a circular shape. 

Roll the blue and green dough pieces together to form a ball (ball size should be between one and two tablespoons). Repeat with remaining dough. Makes 12 to 18 cookies depending on size. 

Transfer your cookies to the prepared baking sheet and bake until edges and top are crisp, about 15 to 18 minutes (Baking time will depend on the size of the cookies). Remove from the oven, then place them on a wire rack to cool. Let your cookies cool completely before serving.
Cookies will last up to a week stored in airtight containers at room temperature.

Basic Sugar Cookies
Prep:1 hr 30 mins
Total:2 hrs
Yield:Makes 32

Sugar Cookies
  • 2 cups all-purpose flour, plus more for rolling
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 cup (1 stick) unsalted butter, room temperature
  • 1 cup granulated sugar
  • 1 large egg
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

  • Step 1
In large bowl, whisk flour, baking powder, and salt. With an electric mixer, cream butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Beat in egg and vanilla. With mixer on low, gradually add flour mixture; beat until combined. Divide dough in half; flatten into disks. Wrap each in plastic; freeze until firm, at least 20 minutes, or place in a resealable plastic bag, and freeze up to 3 months (thaw in refrigerator overnight).
  • Step 2
Preheat oven to160 degrees. Line baking sheets with parchment. Remove one dough disk; let stand 5 to 10 minutes. Roll out 1/8 inch thick between two sheets of floured parchment, dusting dough with flour as needed. Cut shapes with cookie cutters. Using a spatula, transfer to prepared baking sheets. (If dough gets soft, chill 10 minutes.) Reroll scraps; cut shapes. Repeat with remaining dough.
  • Step 3
Bake, rotating halfway through, until edges are golden, 10 to 18 minutes (depending on size). Cool completely on wire racks.

You can store cookies in airtight containers at room temperature, up to 1 week.

martes, 21 de abril de 2020


Hi kids!

Hope you are ok! 

Here is Mister “A.C”, your Drama teacher.

Today, we are going to move and dance!

     The song that we will dance is called “ONE MORE DAY”  by Aaron Cole and has a positive message. It´s about being thankful beacuse a new day starts, and a that means that we are here, together.

    You can choose to watch first a tutorial video to learn the steps and movements, or go directly to the choreography. Let´s move!




    Please, record a short video (not longer tan 1 minute) with one of the choreographies we have learned until now. Choose the one you like most.

The songs are:

“The best day of my life”.
“High hopes”.
“Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” from “Mary Poppins”.
“One more day”

Send the video to this e-mail adress: multimediasbp6@gmail.com



 Mister “A.C”.