lunes, 4 de mayo de 2020

Kildare - May 4th

Hi all!!!
Nice to see you all!!!

⭐ Today we started Topic 6: What challenges do humans face?

⭐ We discussed the different challenges that affect the world today, for example:
  • Access to education
  • Air pollution
  • Wars
  • Refugees
  • Access to clean water
  • Intolerance of diversity
  • Etc...
 And started working on some new vocabulary. Make sure you understand the meaning. You will use it throughout the unit.

 Go to Language Notes in your folder and write:

  • Topic 6: What challenges do humans face?

access to education
access to health care
air pollution
wars and refugees
water scarcity
too much trash
intolerance of diversity
natural disasters
civil war

Underline the suffixes in some of the words you wrote. (END OF COPYING)

 Useful definitions:
Ethnicity: the fact of belonging to a social group that has a common cultural tradition.
Refugeea person who leaves home to find a safer place in a foreign country because of political trouble, war, etc.
Scarcity: a situation in which something is not easy to find or get.
Civil war: a war between political groups or regions within the same country
Health carethe provision of medical care to individuals or a community.

⭐ Now go to your Liveworksheet account and complete the new exercise on vocabulary. 

⭐ When you finish, come back to your folder and write 3 of the rights included in the Convention. 

⭐ Remember to have a clean white sheet, no lines, for the Mind Map tomorrow

⭐ IMPORTANT, those that have not handed in the 2nd draft, please remember to write it on the same page as the 1st draft and send it to my new school mail. 

That's all!!!
See you tomorrow!!
Ms Inés

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