martes, 5 de mayo de 2020

Kildare - May 5th

Hi all!!!

⭐ Today we watched this VIDEO from Compass 4 and talked about some of the challenges humans face.
We mentioned:
  • energy
  • water
  • food
  • war
  • education
  • democracy
  • environment
  • poverty
  • disease, coronavirus these days...
  • population
⭐ We went over the new vocabulary and commented on the United Nations Declaration of the Rights of Children and shared this SIMPLIFIED VERSION with you. You can read it again!

⭐ Here are some very important articles in the Declaration

Every child has these rights, among others:
Article 22: You have the right to protection and help if you are a refugee.
This is someone who has to leave their home because of war or another emergency in the area where they live.
Article 24: You have the right to health care, such as good hospitals and doctors, and access to both clean water and nutritious food.
Article 27: You have the right to basic needs: food, clothing and shelter. If there is a scarcity of these needs, or not enough, others should help you.
Article 29: You have the right to be treated with tolerance, no matter what ethnicity you are. This means people should respect those from all countries and backgrounds.
Article 30: You have the right to your particular culture, religion and language. People must respect diversity.
Article 38: You have the right not to be a victim of war. Adults must protect you during wars, including civil war  within countries.

It was signed by countries belonging to the United Nations in 1989. In Argentina, it became a law in 1990 and was included in our  Constitución Nacional in 1994.

⭐ Remember to have a white page ready for tomorrow!

See you tomorrow at 3pm!
Ms Inés

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