viernes, 8 de mayo de 2020

Kildare - April 8th

Hi all!

For today you had to read The War with Grandpa, chapters 12 &13.
Have a look at these questions to help you with understanding. Then, answer them in the Literature section on your folder

1)  Who are Steve and Billy?
2) What does Steve tell Peter to do about grandpa?
3) What kind of fight is "gorilla warfare"?
4) What does the title "A Light in the Attic" refer to? What does 'light' mean here?

Remember next Monday we will start to use Google Classroom for any notification and homework or activities, so open your school google account if you haven´t done it yet.

Have a great weekend and see you again on Monday!
Ms Inés

miércoles, 6 de mayo de 2020

Kildare - May 7th

May 7th

Hi all!!!
⭐ Here's a poem for you to enjoy!
⭐ Remember to read your War with Grandpa Chapters for tomorrow!!!

Enjoy your Sports Day and see you on our next Google Meet.

Bear hugs!

Ms Inés

martes, 5 de mayo de 2020

Kildare - May 6th

Hi all!!
⭐ Today we will start learning the uses of will. For that, we will listen to a video. I leave the link here for you in case you had difficulties in class

⭐ Remember I told you to have a white page ready for today's class? We are going to write the Mind Map for the uses of the future tense with will and won't, think of examples and discuss the uses in the video we listened yesterday.


We use WILL in four different situations:

1) Predictions based on what you think
2) On the spot decisions/ spontaneous reactions
3) Promises
4) Offers

I think he will be an excellent football player
He believes he will be a great doctor
I’m sure you will have a great time!

Useful expressions: I believe, I think, I’m sure, I understand… (verbs of mental process)

It refers to decisions that we make at the moment of speaking.
Oh, I ran out of milk! I will go to the supermarket
I’m tired, I’ll take a nap
She has a headache, she will take an aspirin.

I will love you forever                        
I will always be your friend
I will never drink coffee
Useful words: always, never

➤ Use 4: OFFERS
I will help you with your assignment                        
I will do this for you!
I will bring the packet if you can´t collect it.

⭐ Once you finish, go to your Liveworksheets account, there is a new exercise there for you! You will be practising the uses of will

⭐ Open your Compass on page 100. We are going to work on the reading: "The Young Healer". Look at these pictures, what do you think the reading is going to be about? Where are these people? What are they doing? How are they feeling?

⭐ Now read the story. You can also listen to it by clicking the audio below:


⭐ Now copy the following questions on your folder and answer them:
1) What does Maryam want to be in the future? Why?
2) What does she want to do?
3) Who was her first patient? What happened to the doll?
4) What does the boy want to be?
5) What does the nurse think about the boy?
6) What does the other boy, Tarek, want to be after the war?

Virtual hugs!!!

Miss Inés

Kildare - May 5th

Hi all!!!

⭐ Today we watched this VIDEO from Compass 4 and talked about some of the challenges humans face.
We mentioned:
  • energy
  • water
  • food
  • war
  • education
  • democracy
  • environment
  • poverty
  • disease, coronavirus these days...
  • population
⭐ We went over the new vocabulary and commented on the United Nations Declaration of the Rights of Children and shared this SIMPLIFIED VERSION with you. You can read it again!

⭐ Here are some very important articles in the Declaration

Every child has these rights, among others:
Article 22: You have the right to protection and help if you are a refugee.
This is someone who has to leave their home because of war or another emergency in the area where they live.
Article 24: You have the right to health care, such as good hospitals and doctors, and access to both clean water and nutritious food.
Article 27: You have the right to basic needs: food, clothing and shelter. If there is a scarcity of these needs, or not enough, others should help you.
Article 29: You have the right to be treated with tolerance, no matter what ethnicity you are. This means people should respect those from all countries and backgrounds.
Article 30: You have the right to your particular culture, religion and language. People must respect diversity.
Article 38: You have the right not to be a victim of war. Adults must protect you during wars, including civil war  within countries.

It was signed by countries belonging to the United Nations in 1989. In Argentina, it became a law in 1990 and was included in our  Constitución Nacional in 1994.

⭐ Remember to have a white page ready for tomorrow!

See you tomorrow at 3pm!
Ms Inés


Hi kids!

   Hope you are ok! 😃

   Here is Mister “A.C”, your Drama teacher.

    Today we are going to learn about… IMAGINATION.

   Imagination is the ability to create pictures and situations in your mind. Using our imagination we can have new and exciting ideas.


    Watch the following story. It´s called: “THE BOY WHO FINALLY LISTENED”. It´s about a boy who is so busy racing around and doing a million things, that he stops listening and discovers that his ears have simply disappeared.

After watching the video answer:

   Which is your favourite story? Think about all the books you have ever read. 
To answer, leave a comment here, on this post on the blog.

In my case, one of my favourite stories is “Harry Potter”. I read some of the books and I also saw the movies.

Tell me yours!

Mr. “A.C”

lunes, 4 de mayo de 2020

Kildare - May 4th

Hi all!!!
Nice to see you all!!!

⭐ Today we started Topic 6: What challenges do humans face?

⭐ We discussed the different challenges that affect the world today, for example:
  • Access to education
  • Air pollution
  • Wars
  • Refugees
  • Access to clean water
  • Intolerance of diversity
  • Etc...
 And started working on some new vocabulary. Make sure you understand the meaning. You will use it throughout the unit.

 Go to Language Notes in your folder and write:

  • Topic 6: What challenges do humans face?

access to education
access to health care
air pollution
wars and refugees
water scarcity
too much trash
intolerance of diversity
natural disasters
civil war

Underline the suffixes in some of the words you wrote. (END OF COPYING)

 Useful definitions:
Ethnicity: the fact of belonging to a social group that has a common cultural tradition.
Refugeea person who leaves home to find a safer place in a foreign country because of political trouble, war, etc.
Scarcity: a situation in which something is not easy to find or get.
Civil war: a war between political groups or regions within the same country
Health carethe provision of medical care to individuals or a community.

⭐ Now go to your Liveworksheet account and complete the new exercise on vocabulary. 

⭐ When you finish, come back to your folder and write 3 of the rights included in the Convention. 

⭐ Remember to have a clean white sheet, no lines, for the Mind Map tomorrow

⭐ IMPORTANT, those that have not handed in the 2nd draft, please remember to write it on the same page as the 1st draft and send it to my new school mail. 

That's all!!!
See you tomorrow!!
Ms Inés

jueves, 30 de abril de 2020

Kildare - April 30th

Hi all!

A new long weekend is near!

⭐ Remember to hand in the 2nd draft of your writing if you have not handed it in yet.

⭐ Next Monday we will be working on Compass, so have your book and folder beside you.

⭐ And don´t forget to read The War with Grandpa (chapters 12 & 13) for Friday 8th. Maybe this weekend you feel like catching up!

⭐ We are celebrating Labour day tomorrow. Let´s honour those that lost their lives to help people gain labour rights. Let's honour doctors and all essential workers that help us these days.

⭐ I leave you a video to dance and laugh during this long weekend.

Big hug!
Ms Inés